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dimanche 21 mars 2010


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La taxe carbone, que d’énergie et de temps dépensés en pure perte, qu’il réussisse à l’imposer ou non d’ailleurs. Toutefois il semble que c’est vers un échec total que l’on se dirige.
C’est triste de voir notre président à ce point entêté (un vrai caprice) mais aussi égaré, à la foi loin de son électorat mais aussi des réalités.


Errare humanum est perseverare diabolicum

Jean-Michel Bélouve

Et quousque tandem, Nicola, abutere patientia nostra ?


en ce beau jour de printemps, Fillon vient d'annoncer l'abandon de la taxe carbone. C'est une petite victoire et je pense, MM Belouve et Bénard, que votre travail d'information est certainement pour quelque chose dans l'impopularité croissante de cette lubie ridicule. Un grand merci à vous, coninuez.


@ Dennis : merci ! mais la victoire est encore lointaine, puisque Fillon a déclaré que la taxe devait être promulguée au plan européen.



"mais la victoire est encore lointaine, puisque Fillon a déclaré que la taxe devait être promulguée au plan européen."

Aucune chance pour que l'Europe l'adopte puisqu'elle a déjà prévu quelques choses pour 2013. C'est une excuse pour avoir l'air trop ridicule. A mon avis beaucoup à l'UMP trouvait cette taxe stupide.
Comme le protocole de Kyoto s'arrête en 2012 et que son successeur est sans doute mort né, tous cela va probablement sombrer.

Enfin prudence, continuons à matraquer la bête n’est pas encore morte.



"mais la victoire est encore lointaine, puisque Fillon a déclaré que la taxe devait être promulguée au plan européen."

Une simple excuse du gouvernement pour dire "voyez on a respecté les engagements du grenelle" mais l'allemagne sera contre, les tories anglais renverseront le keynésien G.Brown, et je ne parle pas des ex-pays de l'est européen qui s'opposeront pour taxer leurs entreprises sur une théorie fumeuse.
Les taxes "pour le droit de respirer" et les échanges théoriques de CO2 sont morts-nés.



Qui a dit : "je ne comprend pas comment, comment, on peut avoir signé le pacte de Nicolas Hulot au printemps 2007 et aujourd'hui renier sa parole et ne pas faire ce qu'on a dit qu'on ferait. Je l'ai signé, je le fais. C'est une question d'honnêteté. Si on ne le fait pas, on est pas honnête. Et la démocratie républicaine, et parlementaire, ne peux pas continuer à fonctionner avec des gens qui ne respectent pas la signature qu'ils ont donné" ?

hmm .... laissez moi réfléchir ...



Ces paroles avaient été dites sans rire donc avec le plus grand sérieux . Et à la fin , il y avait des applaudissements !


Il va bien falloir, pourtant, changer nos comportements comme beaucoup de pays européens voisins ont commencé à le faire. Si la vertu ne suffit pas, il faut utiliser l'arme fiscale. C'est la raison d'être de la taxe carbone, aujourd'hui victime de l'éco-scepticisme ambiant depuis l'échec de Copenhague


"Il va falloir changer nos comportements"

ah, la belle phrase toute faite, vérité auto-justifiée dont l'examen critique est interdit.

Mais l'homme change constamment son comportement, en fonction des changements de la société qui l'entoure, de l'évolution technologique, des modes, de ses expériences personnelles et de l'évolution du prix des choses. Pas besoin de Sarkozy et Branloo pour changer constemment de comportement.

Comme si il fallait qu'en plus les gouvernements s'en mêlent...

Et puis POURQUOI l'état devrait il s'ingénier à changer nos comportements ?

Comme si les hommes, ces animaux trop cons pour gérer eux mêmes leurs existences, se voyaient d'un seul coup parés de toutes les vertus lorsqu'il devient représentant de l'état chargé de "changer nos comportements".

Comme nos voisins ont commencé à le faire: Ah, en plus, c'est sur, en France, on est à la fois meilleurs et plus cons qu'ailleurs. mais si "nos voisins le font", c'est surement cela qu'il faut faire, et sans le moindre examen critique des résultats de ce qu'ils ont fait...

C'est avec ce genre de principes "prêts à penser" que nos politiciens nous mènent à la faillite économique, intellectuelle et morale.


Il va bien falloir, pourtant, changer nos comportements comme beaucoup de pays européens voisins ont commencé à le faire. Si la vertu ne suffit pas, il faut utiliser l'arme fiscale. C'est la raison d'être de la taxe carbone.

je propose une "taxe anti déficits publiques" pour tous les organismes politiques, syndicaux, services publiques participants à l'augmentation des dépenses publiques afin de changer nos comportements irresponsables.

faisons payer les coupables

Il faut faire payer chers les chemtraillers du ciel qui a bord d'avions spécialement amenagés pour balancer chaque jour intentionnellement des millions de tonnes de subtances chimiques tels que des compositions du genre CFC et des produits ionisants pour modifier l'activité du soleil pour le surchauffer ou refroidir et c'est pour cela que l'on parle de rechaufement climatique et que l'on combat toutes polutions terrestre qui contrarirait leur action abominable pour la modification volontaire et commerciale du climat lire attentivement la suite dans l'apocalypse en ce qui concerne le dévelopement dans le lac de feu de souffre


February, 2010

Autopsy of Man-Made Global Warming


Having Been year environmental engineer for the 47 years PASSED - Designing Water, Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Been Involved in projects to clean up the air, water and soil, I would Be the first to support man-made global warming and Its corrective measures, Provided That the Problem Existed. The Problem Is That global warming / climate change Is a natural process. There has been "Much warmer and Cold Periods in the History of the World. Most of thesis various Periods Were Before Man Was On The event present earth.

When one studies the assumptions Proposed by Fourier, Tyndall and Arrhenius in the 19th century, the existence of infrared radiation HAD Been Recently Discovered only and the laws of physics related to thermodynamics Were in the early stages of understanding. Three physicists Were aware of a phenomena of the atmosphere in IR Measuring And They Proposed the assumptions of the greenhouse effect to sacrifice part of the address data THEY had (early Instrument to Measure IR HAD Been Invented). The Problem Was That "could never PROVE THEY That Really Existed the hypotheses.

In 1909 RW Wood of Johns Hopkins University, an expert in IR year and UV radiation experiments That Carried out the cause of the greenhouse effect have Was Not to Believe by back-radiation of IR "Goal Was Confined space heating. He Also Explained That Can not Occur Confined Space heating in the atmosphere, and He Was absolutely correct.
 See reference to one study www.climatedepot.com

Now satellite radiation data debunking global warming theory
by John O'Sullivan on March 17, 2010

Since Then, Many real Scientists (mostly physicists) That Have shown the greenhouse gas effect concept MOST Violate Laws of physics and thermodynamics. The fortune tellers Sometimes Called climatologists Their uses dirty crystal balls and ass backward atmospheric models to predict climates of 50 or 100 years in the future.

If you observe, you Will Find That There Are No accredited degrees in climatology.
 Personally I Have Some experiments done That Demonstrate That the GHG effect does not exist.

One important thing to remember Is That There is No practical implementation of the GHG effect - like double-pane window filled with CO2 with ultra high "R" values.

Now let us look at world temperatures, at best This Is Circumstantial Evidence (several Other actual source heating of earth - the sun and variations of it away to earth, earth in exchange core temperature). Howeve the Proven Fact That the temperature data has been "MANNipulated Makes cette Supposed data worthless. Climategate and all the subgroup did glacergate etc.. That show the Reports from the IPCC are about to EQUAL fairy-tales.

The reference to Mount Kilimanjaro has-beens by Al Gore to Be Proved in Court by exchange in rainfall / snow and not by global warming. Ninety percent of Al Gore's book Have Been Proven In Court (in the UK) to Be in error. There Are More Than 35 more technical errors make this book again That has fairy tale and Should Be On The fiction part of the library.

While You Were Trying to Solve working and a manufacturing process or problem and give-Data Were Told Was That You Were Manipulated to show What You Thought "should Happen Used it you and you would Be Fired On The Spot. You are ignorant about Choosing to Be Hoax of the man-made global warming. Much Of The Information That You Used in Your e-mail Was Partially correct 3 years ago. Purpose current information shows That It Was questionable at best and is No longer valid.

The problem with your hand position you fantasize That Is That by controlling CO2 Man Will Be Able to Prevent a problem That does not exist. I Know What You Have Said from That You prefer to stay ignorant and want to Be caught with your pants down When It Is Proved Beyond a shadow of Doubt That the greenhouse gas effect does not exist.

The Proposed "Cap & Steal" Legislation Is a Ponzi Scheme That Will Total destroy the economy, hurt manufacturing and Be Political Suicide For The environmental movement. In reality, the environmental movement IS losing the respect of the Whole world Because It Is Being Driven by environmental wackos like the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, WWF and others.

If I want to know something about the ME-262, I would ask you as it has-been your life for more Than 50 Years. Aim your jugement on Environmental issues Significantly Lacking IS.

I do not intend "to let people like Lisa Jackson Head of U.S. EPA, Steven Chu, Michael Mann, Phil Jones and Jim Hansen destroy this country and the world with lies. I Predict That argument Five And Many others of Power Will Be Out Before July 4, 2010 (I Will Be a "fortune teller-climatologists). Realize I That You Do not Want to educate yourself aim here are just a few "references.: Www.climatedepot.com; www.iceagenow.com; and icecap.us; SPPI:; Watts up with that?; The postponement of Alan Carlin of U.S. EPA. And Many others.

Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects
Within The Frame Of Physics
Version 4.0 (January 6, 2009)
Replaces Version 1.0 (July 7, 2007) and later
Gerhard Gerlich
Institute f? Ur Mathematische Physik
Technische Universit? Carolo-Wilhelmina at Braunschweig zu
Mendelssohnstrae 3
D-38106 Braunschweig
Federal Republic of Germany
g.gerlich @ tu-bs.de
Ralf D. Tscheuschner
Postfach 60 27 62
D-22237 Hamburg
Federal Republic of Germany
[email protected]


The atmospheric greenhouse effect, Idea That year Many authors trace back to the
traditional works of Fourier (1824), Tyndall (1861), and Arrhenius (1896), and Which
IS Supported Still in Global climatology, has Fictitious Essentially Describes Mechanism measures, in
Which has planetary atmosphere acts as a heat pump driven by year Environment That Is
radiatively interacting with purpose radiatively equilibrate to the atmospheric system. Ac-
cording to the second law of thermodynamics Such a planetary machine can never exist.
Nevertheless, in Almost all texts of global climatology and in a secondary Widespread
literature It Is Taken for Granted SUCH Mechanism That is real and stands firm scientific foundation was. In this paper the popular conjecture IS Analyzed and the Underlying
physical principles are Clarified. By Showing That (a) There Are No Laws common physical
Between the warming in glass houses Phenomenon And The Fictitious atmospheric green-
house effects, (b) There Are No calculations to determine average surface temperature year
of a planet, (c) the frequently Mentioned difference of 33 C is a number Meaningless
Calculated Wrongly, (d) the formulas of cavity radiation are Used Inappropriately, (e) the
Assumption of a radiative balance IS unphysical, (f) thermal conductivity and friction
Must not Be Set to zero, the atmospheric greenhouse conjecture IS falsified.
Electronic version of An Article Published as International Journal of Modern Physics
B, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2009) 275 (364, DOI No: 10.1142/S021797920904984X, c World
Scientific Publishing Company, http://www.worldscinet.com/ijmpb.
The technical papers List of references:
The paper "Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 greenhouse effect Within The Frame Of Physics" by Gerhard Gerlich and Ralf D. Tscheuschner ya une in-depth examination of the subject. Electronic version of An Article Published as International Journal of Modern Physics
B, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2009) 275 (364, DOI No: 10.1142/S021797920904984X, c World
Scientific Publishing Company, http://www.worldscinet.com/ijmpb.

Report of Alan Carlin of U.S. EPA March, 2009 That Shows That Does not cause CO2 global warming.
R. W. Wood
FOLLOWING IS The text from the Philosophical Magazine (more Properly the London, Edinborough and Dublin Philosophical Magazine 1909, vol 17, p319-320. Cambridge UL mark p340.1.c.95 shelf, if you're interested.
The Hidden Flaw in Greenhouse Theory
By Alan Siddons
from: http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/02/the_hidden_flaw_in_greenhouse.html at March 01, 2010 - 09:10:34 AM CST

The bottom line Is That That the facts show the greenhouse gas effect Is a fairy-tale and That Man-made global warming Is The World wide Scam! The IPCC and Al Gore "should be charged" under the U.S. anti-racketeering act and when to Convicted - They should "Spend the Rest of Their Lives in jail for the Crimes Against Humanity Committed Have THEY.

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